Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Boss Ass B*tch

Let me catch you up to speed.....this Spring marks two years that I have been living in Minneapolis! Yes, I am 26 (soon to be 27) years old. I'm currently unattached but am an independent lady who enjoys making her own decisions. I'll be cherishing this time alone to be selfish and only do things to please myself. It's really much easier than trying to please someone else sometimes....

Back in January I moved into a new apartment in SLP with my cousin G, and started a new job about a month ago. My title you ask? Just a little Human Resources Manager!! I'm very lucky to have landed this job being only 3 years out of college, and will not leave it for a long while. It will definitely be a challenge, as it is a start up telecommunications company, but you have to take risks to reap rewards!

As I mentioned I'm free as a bird right now, but do have some close friends around the area and a handful of family members that I love dearly living close by. I sure do love Minneapolis! Best decision to move to the big city, even if it did seem scary after graduation.

It's crazy that I feel much more "adult" like these days (as I sit wearing a snazzy blazer drinking green tea in my private office). Things like insurance and taxes no longer scare me so much...I can always figure something out now. But that doesn't mean my child-like free spirit has gone away, my two year old nephew helps to spark my creativity and imagination!

Now some things to focus on; eating healthier, getting a bit of exercise everyday outside, starting a new hobby (?), and maybe re-enter the dating pool. The dating part makes me a little nervous..what was I saying about risks earlier.....?


Monday, June 30, 2014

Back to Minneapolis

Just had a wonderful birthday weekend in San Francisco! I'm sitting at the airport now for another hour waiting to board my flight- might as well create a post.

Here's a run down of the activities of the weekend:

Friday- flew out of Minneapolis quite early at 7am- and arrived in SF at 9:30am. Met M and we took the Bart into the city and dropped our luggage off at our hotel: Executive Hotel Vintage Court. What a deal we got!! For all 3 nights it came to $481, we were both very impressed. It was a small room with only 1 king bed, but it fulfilled its purpose. The first day we went to the Golden Gate Bridge, had dinner on the Macy's rooftop (mushrooms and cheesecake) and met up with M's friend J and another of our Friends Mp. It was a fun day and we ate dinner with the boys and had a drink. J left early to teach a rock climbing class, and M left a short time later to do some work at home. M and I went back to the hotel and checked in and showered and got ready to go out for the night. After face timing with Ms for well over an hour we decided it was a little late and didn't head out for the evening.

Saturday- This day was full of adventures- started out in an area called Hayes. Had breakfast at a cute little place and ate some omelets. This area was full of little shops and we spent the majority of the afternoon shopping around. M bought $200 worth of clothing for Ms at this store called Marine Pacific...3 shirts cost $200- outrageous! We also went to a jewelry store- Alex and Ani- and I bought a gold necklace with a ruby colored stone. We also met up with my cousin I since we needed to make plans for the next day together. We took a stroll down in Fisherman's Wharf- and I was a little disappointed there were no sea lions! There were however tons of tourists, fishing boats, trinket shops and restaurants. We met up with M's friend B and had a drink before heading to Naked Fish for sushi- which was so great! The roof of my mouth is still torn up from the tempura pieces :/ it was worth it though! After dinner we invited B to come out with us as we were meeting up with Mp and his roommates. We went to a few bars this night- Bullit and Tonic, and the crew (along with 2 strangers) sang happy birthday to me at midnight. It was a very fun evening that ended at B's apartment- then M and I took a cab home and went to sleep around 4 am...

Sunday- This was my birthday day! It was fabulous- went to the gay pride parade and then went back to I's place that she is house sitting at for the summer. What an amazing house she is staying at!! It's a bit out of the city, but the views are incredible. It overlooks the whole bay and the golden gate bridge. Truly amazing. We were able to borrow the mercedes convertible and took a cruise into wine country. It was about an hour drive to Healdsburg- but boy was it worth it. We went to Thumbprint winery and had a wine tasting- tasted 6 wines, and then went to dinner at an authentic little Italian place called Scope. Each of our dinners were incredible and the bartender served us a scoop of ice cream with a cup of espresso poured over it- delicious! We walked through the park afterward and then drove back to the city. My cousin dropped us off at the hotel and we both went to sleep- we were so tired!

Monday- we slept in (well 9am....wouldn't call that sleeping in) and got ready to go to breakfast. We found a little coffee shop in the middle of union square and sat outside to enjoy our breakfast. After, we strolled a little around China Town, before checking out of the hotel and taking the train to the airport.

*I would like to note that I did not participate in any naughty activity with Mp...and I'm so happy that I didn't. I really am crushing hard on Z right now, and really adore any time I get to spend with him. I very much enjoyed last weekend- taking Z's pontoon out on Prior Lake and meeting his family: Mom, brother, soon to be sister-in-law and her sister...only wasn't able to meet his father as he was away on business. Maybe Z didn't give it much thought, but I felt really special that he brought me home and introduced me to his family. I love the way he looks at me- those little smirks seriously melt my heart and when we kiss my heart beats very fast and I can hear my pulse in my ears! Yeah, I think you could say I have a huge crush on him.

Well anyways, only 1 hour left and the plane will leave and I can take a gloriously long nap. Back to the real world, back to work, and back to Z!
