Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Take a Shot for Me*

Song by Drake, titled 'Take a Shot for Me', makes me think of relationships with boys. Whether they are your friends or more, it is fun to drink with boys. (I haven't drank with boys in a while and I'm just taking a trip down memory lane)
I'll list my favorite drinking buddies guy wise...

T is beyond fun to drink with. He is a wise ass, and it is so fun shooting shit back at him. It amuses him, and then he gets playful. The smartest man's weakness is a strong shot of whiskey(: Love dumbing them down to my level and poking fun at T, he is cute.

B is not fun to drink with. He gets out of control and likes to punch things. Once this past spring he got into a fight and he broke a guy's jaw and broke his hand in two places. He's a scary drunk:s

C is awful to drink with. He would get drunk and scope out the cutest girl in the room and try to take her home. If that girl was me we'd have fun haha, many times he'd come to my apartment after drinking at the bar.

A is really great to drink with. He is Mr. Flirty and compliments the shit out of you. But don't let him get too drunk, he'll tell the whole room you slept with him and then it can get pretty awkward, even if he says you're a 'great lay!' haha

N is not fun to be around in general, so when he gets drunk it's pretty annoying. N is an ex of mine and we dated for 3.5 years, so he thinks he still 'has' me? He's an assbag and is very rude and disrespectful when he drinks. Ughhh don't even like thinking about it.

CJ is really fun to be around. What can I say, I've always had a crush on CJ. He's a wonderful person, and he deserves all good things in this world. Thinking about him just brings a smile to my face. I'm very grateful for our friendship and I don't want to ruin our friendship because I have stronger feelings for him. He gets very lovey when he drinks and I love it. I remember the first time we drank together I thought, I really like this guy, I don't know who he is, but damn he's a cutie. He's given me rides home from the Turf in the past too. Great, great guy.

Well that's all I feel like talking about with this subject. This song just made me think of drinking with some of my guy friends and this is what came out of it.

Happy Tuesday,



Saturday, November 26, 2011

Goodbye, great knowin ya!

C. Flaa is a piece of work let me tell you. He and I have come to an agreement to no longer speak to each other since we're not getting along. Sounds great I said, I'd love to not talk to you anymore, in fact I don't really want to see you again, so this is goodbye. And he agreed, deleted and blocked me from facebook, and I deleted all texts and phone numbers from him out of my phone. Let's see how long it takes him to call me, I give it a month max. Keep you up to speed, I'll let you know when he starts talking.

*Fella's this is what happens when you are a FUCKING douschebag and no girl wants to date you. You should probably re-evaluate some things and then maybe we can like ya again. Good luck.

To all of the men out there that don't deserve their women, go fuck yourself. happy holidays all(:

B. Girl

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

.the accidental discovery of something great.

maybe i'm blind, maybe i'm blind
i couldn't see you shine and shimmer
right in front of my eyes, front of my eyes..

thought i saw light, it was a faded mirror,
just a dim reflection, but
you shine so much brighter...

honey let me sing you a song
listen to my words as they come out wrong
don't run away this time.
honey let me look in your eyes
open them one at a time,
but don't look away this time.

open your mind, and let your beauty flow like wine,
but please don't leave me outside,
honey i'll try to hold you like the
starry skies we lie beneath tonight
you shine so much brighter..

honey let me look in your eyes,
but don't look away this time..
honey let me sing you a song,
listen to my words as they come out wrong,
don't run away this time.
don't look away this time.

Love you (T) you deserve more than you know.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Don't piss me off right before bedtime please. F You (not you, You! ;)

Love in hopeless Place

A Stranger's kindness can really brighten your whole day.

This post is a shout out to my new friend C.J. (running out of C's here!) whom I met while needing a smile recently. He not only put a smile on my face, but had me laughing and kind of re-sparked something in me. Passion maybe? I'm feeling very good and almost as if I'm capable of anything today! (Even though I write to you while wearing pajamas in bed haha).

He reminded me without even telling, that when you're passionate about something, like a career field, stick to it. If it's something you want bad enough, you'll find a way to get it. Just need a little nudge every once in a while to continue on with your journey until you reach your destination.

Well I'm off to eat some breakfast at 11:48 a.m. this almost afternoon, and to start my day. (:

Good day, and Good luck


Monday, November 14, 2011

*With a little help from my friends

Ever got yourself into a pickle? Yeah....it's pretty easy to do in a state like Minnesota. Follow the link, find out information, and support one of my friends who has always had my back. Anybody got yours?


*If the link doesn't work google 'Free the Butcher' Together we can make change! (:

'Bad Bad (Ex) Girlfriend..'

'My Girlfriend's a dick magnet, she's gotta have it.
She's hot, can't stop,
Up on stage doing shots.

Dirty girl, getting down, dance for guys..
Grab her ass, acting tough, mess with her, she'll fuck you up.

no one really knows ..

she likes to shake her ass, grinds it to the beat.
she likes to pull my hair..
she's naughty till the end.
she knows what she is, no doubt about it she's a bad, bad (EX Girlfriend).

See you later back at home...know one really knows..
(Is) she coming back to my place tonight (?)

No one really know's just how far she's gonna go..
Gonna find out later tonight.

She likes to shake her ass...
She's naughty till the end,
She know's what she is, no doubt about it she's a bad, bad (EX) Girlfriend.

We'll have the time of our lives....

My (EX) Girlfriend...is a dick magnet...
She's gotta have it (She'll get what she wants).

she's a gold digging, pretty bitch,
future's fading, look around all i see,
no good bad and ugly....

she likes to shake her ass, grinds it to the beat..
like's to pull my hair..

she's naughty till the (end)..

know's what she is, no doubt about it she's a (Smart), (Smart), (Ex) Girlfriend.

*Props to 'Theory of A Deadman' for the inspiration.
**Guys, treat your ladies right. If you don't, she can choose to be your EX Girlfriend (;

Love you bitches,


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

'Right now I wish you were here..'

What I'd do to have you near.
Come back soon.
I wish you were here.
Miss you.

love you always,