Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just asking for a little respect

So now it is time to introduce you to a little bia in my life. And this is not the kind of 'bia' you want to be..her name is m and she is very different from the rest of us let me tell you. She is disrespectful, rude and ignorant-did I mention she is my only roommate? If it's not about her than she e'ffin doesn't care and it pisses me off! For example, tonight I am coming down with some kind of illness (high fever all day, nauseous, and almost fainted in public..can you say embarrassing!?) and what does she decide to do? Invite her friends over to drink and play scrabble! Eff You M! I just got out of the shower looking like hell, not wearing a bra, and downed three sudafed so I can pass out soon. Not what I want to be dealing with right now...This is why I have been thinking the last couple months that I absolutely need to move out, like asap. I could be living in my car down by the flooding red river and be having a much better home life. haha, probably not but in all actuality living here sucks. So I've been apartment hunting secretly at work and have found some pretty cute one bedroom apartments. You know you're becoming a big girl when you decide to start living alone and you would like it much better than having roommates. I think another thing that bothers me is that I am pretty particular with my living quarters-as in I need to have everything looking the same at all times. I always make my bed and put my dishes in the dishwasher and clean out the fridge regularly. M hardly does any of these things. She is living off of my food, shampoo and postage stamps and I am DONE! I am writing a letter to my landlord tomorrow and delivering it to him. That's just what I'm going to do.HAHA Sorry about all of the ranting and raving, but I just needed to get these feelings of hatred off of my chest..thanks for listening, or rather reading.

Well I am falling asleep at my keyboard the sudafed is started to kick in...hopefully the 'guests' don't come knocking at my bedroom door later for rides home..that would be just the cherry to a fine night I'm having.

Good night, tomorrow will be a brighter day



  1. Would you move in with Sister A? Might be cheaper and the two of you seem to tolerate each other?? Sorry to hear about your current mess. See you Friday toots!
    Auntie C

  2. Yeah, that is a great option! I think we should look in the downtown area...I'll be working and going to school there at the same time this fall..I think we could live well together. Thanks, good advice Auntie C! p.s. can't wait to see you on friday!
