Sunday, February 7, 2010

new year, new life

Back at it. Life took a turn down a one way road and I had to swerve back in forth imbetween oncoming traffic. Got hit by a bus, then run over by a motorcycle then slapped by a shemale. Everything shiny and sparkly had left my life. I layed in bed all day long, lost some good friends, found a new job and am moving to my own apartment. Sometimes in this world the only person you can depend on is yourself. I learned that the hard way.Life has been real shitty since the start of the year. I wasn't actually hit by a bus..just figuratively speaking.

But honestly since you don't know who I am, I can tell you that sometimes life takes a shit on you and you really have to learn how to clean yourself up and get that sparkle back in your eyes. In order to be happy and love yourself, you really need to trust yourself and know that you're a good person no matter what happens. Some things are out of your control and you have to know that it's not your fault. It's so easy to blame yourself, but that will not make you heal and become happy again.

Do what you need to do in life to be a better person. Live for others and take care of yourself. Be friends with loyal, loving and supportive people, the rest don't matter.

To the person that tried to steal everything from me:

FUCK YOU. I hope karma comes up and shoots you in the fucking asshole you cocky ass bitch. If I had it my way, my dad and I would go target shooting and fucking rope you to the target. You would be toast, I would sprinkle cinammon and sugar on you, drench you in gasoline and light you on fire. YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSHOLE ROT IN HELL. I told you that you had a horrible name, that I didn't want to dance with you, and never to kiss me. What do I get in return? Everything I've ever worked for stolen. Embaressment in front of my family and friends. A return ticket to court, because apparantly in the state on ND taking advantage of someone when they're intoxicated is perfectly legal. Thank you detective asshole. Every girl who reads this I want you to know one thing: NEVER let yourself get too drunk at the bar while you are with people you think are 'good friends' and NEVER let them leave you at the bar when it's time to go home. I hope you have better friends than me, because maybe if someone was looking out for me that night, I wouldn't have had this happen to me.

I can handle myself, I am a strong, independant young adult who will change my life and become a better person. Currently I'm putting things into perspective: 1.Family 2. Friends 3. School 4. Career and I'm not sure where boys fit in on that list...probably like 1.5 or 2. Make sure that you have good friends who actually care about you enough to drive you to the hospital when you are hurt, or make sure you have a ride home from the bar.

Be the friend to others that you wish you had yourself.

Peace and love,


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