Friday, December 31, 2010

snagle tooth drunk bum with a lazy eye...and one testicle*


not only is 11 my absolute favorite number, this year features 11/11/11. can't wait for that magical day. <3 SERIOUSLY peeps, next year, tomorrow, is going to be amazing, i can tell already.

you know how everyone has at least one horrible year of their life? well mine was 2010. hence the subject of this life is cosiderable to a snagle toothdrunk bum with a lazy eye and only one testicle. it suckkkkkkkked. oh well, at least my horrible year is over. think i had all my life crisis's all wrapped up into 365 days so i am so fortunate to be done with all of those buggers.

2011 i predict will be something a little like this:

throwing my head back and laughing real happy,
falling in love and getting real sappy,
making amazing new buddys,
hoping that they aren't a bunch of duddy's.

packing up home and moving to colorado,
leaving my fargo life with nothing but a shadow,
landing a job within Target Corp. in HR,
if you shoot for the moon, you'll land amoung the stars..

greeting my family in walker quite often with a smile,
receiving a hug and staying a while.
going back to graduate school,
getting an education in HR is important, i'm no fool.

it's important stop to think,
make sure the dishes are clean in the sink.
put on some lip gloss, mascara on the lashes,
light up 2010, let it burn to ashes.

<3 <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. My favorite post i've ever written. Especially that poem i made up! ha
