Monday, April 13, 2009

I'd like to think I can trust you...

I just had a really great Easter weekend with family! It was so nice to see everybody again, although I wish some other rellies could have joined us..but they were with their fathers' family respectively.

Back to school tomorrow-I don't know if I'm excited or not yet...there's only a handful of weeks left so I need to savor every minute! It definitely wont be the same when everyone leaves for summer.

On to the good stuff...boys. I found out a little inside info on our guy J. He seems kinda like a sleazeball. Damn! It always seems like the guy you just meet seems pretty cool- and then all of the skeletons come out of the closet all at once! Ha It was kind of amusing because I was just waiting to hear a flaw, but it did suck hearing it from one of my girls. She informed me on how he is a playa playa-twice means twice as conniving-and was trying to get into her pants when he had a girlfriend this fall!! Incredibly innapropriate! I am glad that even though my girl K and I may be on the rocks right now, she's still got my back when it comes to little assholes.

Lets talk about a nice little guy. I was supposed to have lunch with R, M and I today-that's right hottie I!- but it fell through. That's ok though there will be plenty of other times to impress I so he asks me out finally! He may be a little shy, so I have to get him to open up! I is kinda of an odd initial to have so we'll call him IA from now on...but anyways he seems like one of the most genuinely nice guys I have come across here at school. Hopefully we can hit it off well, crossing my fingers....I think I just need to take it easy for a while...boy hunting is exhausting and can just be filled with huge disappointment. I'll spend my time concentrating on my last few weeks of school and enjoying my last few times of fun-ness with my girlies, and hopefully by grabbing that president position on the Council for next school year....

Until next time, have a fabulous night...get some sleep....and try to stop filling your mind with boys for a while-might be impossible for me, but good luck to you all!

1 comment:

  1. You have THE best attitude sweets!! I am sure "IA" will come around......and after viewing him this weekend....I think he would be worth the wait. I'm so glad I got to hang with you over Easter. You are such a sweetie pie. Did you see Muffy gave you a shout out on her blog!!!
